comex on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:12:25 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation: Consultation Answer Effects?

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 12:58 PM, Tyler <wisety@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> And if this happens, someone can fix it, with common consent, by starting up
> the game again without the action that ruined it. But the game itself can't
> start itself again. It's outside of the game's scope. Even the Rule that
> says who is responsible cannot really do anything itself, but relies on
> people agreeing to something that the rules don't cover.


If you just start the game up again, then you've ended the game.
Which, given the long history of both B and Agora in terms of time
spent constantly running, would be disastrous.  Even this Era of B was
started by a legal game move from the last era.

Instead, if the game is truly broken and the justice system is
incapable of resolving it, you start a State of Emergency or submit a
proposal to get the game back into a known state.

Not that it was in this situation.  It would have been best if the
Oracles had agreed to assign the case to the same person (for example,
recently in Agora, ais523 tried to assign a CFJ to me via a scam; the
Clerk of the Courts [=Oracle] then also assigned the same CFJ to me,
to prevent ambiguity if the scam didn't work-- for a more dramatic
situation, see Human Point Two) but being judged only in one
"universe" would (IMO) count as precedent, if the case was zotted in
the other state.  If it really was judged two different ways, then,
yeah, I'd submit a proposal...
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