Tyler on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:59:06 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation: Consultation Answer Effects?

And if this happens, someone can fix it, with common consent, by starting up
the game again without the action that ruined it. But the game itself can't
start itself again. It's outside of the game's scope. Even the Rule that
says who is responsible cannot really do anything itself, but relies on
people agreeing to something that the rules don't cover.

On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 10:50 AM, ais523 <ais523@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Tue, 2008-09-23 at 10:43 -0600, Tyler wrote:
> > I don't know what CFJ system means, but if it is the Justice or Judgment
> > system, my response would be to enlighten you concerning the nature of
> the
> > problem we had with Woobleverses. The difficulty that made the Justice
> > system insufficient was that the Justice system itself was split between
> two
> > Oracles. Wooble was one, and I the other. In one "quantum state" I
> assigned
> > the question to Billy P., and in the other "quantum state" it was
> assigned
> > to nobody, but instead Zotted. More happened after that, but the main
> > problem was the duality of the Justice system, which meant that two
> > different and conflicting judgments could have been made officially. We
> > could have ended up with 2 "Woobleverses" or even none at all in the end.
> >
> Well, again in Agora (which is where the term "CFJ" is most commonly
> used, I think), it's possible to win the game by contriving a situation
> where there are no remaining Woobleverses, and BobTHJ did just that a
> while back. The rule states that if you win like that, you're
> responsible for fixing the resulting mess...
> --
> ais523
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