bd on Tue, 9 Jan 2007 17:59:07 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] 114.9 Administrator's Update - Voting Starting

Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:
> I amend p45 (Transactional Proposals).
> Antonio amends p57 (supreme antoniocracy).
> I amend p46 (Thrids).
> Being the start of nday 9, all Pending Proposals become Open. Voting
> is open on these proposals:
> Prop #  Name                     Author
> ------- ------------------------ ---------
> 45      Transactional Proposals  Peter

> 46      Thrids                   Peter


> 47      Virtual particles        bd


> 48      Generalized Victory      Wonko

AGAINST [[ Admitting there's a loophole intentionally (?) placed there 
in case p47 passes and then not amending the proposal? Perhaps a bit 
lacking in grace. 
. I'd vote for if this had been amended :) ]]

> 49      More Ways to Win         Wonko

AGAINST [[ implicit dependency on p48 ]]

> 50      Anyone care for Dessert? Wonko

AGAINST [[ implicit dependency on p48, but I like adding behaviors to 
nonexistent things ]]

> 51      wtf                      The Dave


> 52      RFJ system, take 2       Antonio


> 53      The Zeroth Addendum      Triller

AGAINST [[ I don't see any reason to disallow negative point values. We 
could do interesting things with this. ]]

> 54      Tags                     comex

AGAINST [[ This doesn't need to be legislated. We can just add it as a 
piece of info not in the gamestate, but on the wiki. ]]

> 55      Rule Tag                 Optional


> 56      the formatting prop      comex

ABSTAIN [[ I feel it would be better to assign a post or something for 
performing cosmetic edits on the ruleset, like administrative tidiness 
used to be ]]

> 57      supreme antoniocracy     Antonio

FOR [[ :D ]]

> 58      Proposal Fix             Wonko


> 59      New Numbers              Wonko


> 60      days have a name too     Antonio

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