Craig Daniel on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 10:10:59 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] A gamestate clarification request to the Administrator

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:25 AM, Geoffrey Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Each rule is a separate Game Document, and the commenting rule only
> applies within Documents, not within collections of them.

This is only true if you take the non-greedy interpretation.
Otherwise, the ruleset from October of 2003 indicated that "The
Ruleset is the collective body of current Rule versions. The Ruleset
may be altered only as provided therein. Rules are revisable objects."
- which indicates that the ruleset is itself a document, as well as
the rules being one. That is to say, it's a single "collective body"
rather than a collection of discrete bodies.

IE, if you insist on the greedy version (which I don't) then the
ruleset at that time (omitting rule numbers, titles, chutzpah scores,
and revision histories, since they aren't part of the bodies of the
rules and thus presumably not of the collective body) was:


There exists, in the context of the game that contains this rule
(hereafter in this rule known as "The Game"), a procedure called the
Emergency Management procedure. The Emergency Management procedure
(hereafter in this rule known as "The Procedure") will be followed in
the event of an Emergency, as recognized by the majority of the most
recently formally recognized body of players in The Game.

An Emergency, in the context of this rule, is any event or
circumstance, not already provided for in the rules of the Game, that
prevents the continuance of the Game. Emergencies include, but are not
limited to, the following:

- The failure of, or lack of access to, the hosting services and/or
equipment used to administer the Game (hereafter in this rule known as
"The Host") for a period of seven days.

- The failure of, or absence of, the person recognized as performing
the administrative duties of the Game (hereafter in this rule known as
"The Administrator") for a period of seven days.

- The existence of a paradoxical condition that cannot be resolved
under the current set of rules.

The Procedure is as follows:

1. Game time is stopped. Whatever means used in the Game to track time
is stopped as of the beginning of the Emergency. Pending events and
deadlines relative to Game time, with the exception of those specified
in this rule, are postponed until Game time resumes. Pending events
and deadlines with absolute dates and times do not occur.

2. A Forum is established. The Procedure depends upon the availability
of a means for players and an Administrator to communicate (hereafter
in this rule known as "The Forum"). If a Forum does not exist or is
not available, players will establish one by contacting one another
and agreeing upon a new Forum. If a new Forum cannot be agreed upon,
the Game ends.

3. An Administrator is established. If an Administrator does not exist
or is not available, players will establish one from amongst
themselves via the Forum. If an Administrator cannot be agreed upon,
the Game ends.

4. The Pause is initialized. The Procedure tracks time spent using the
Pause. When the Procedure is begun, the Pause is zero; thereafter,
until the completion of the Procedure, the Pause is increased by one
each day at 00:00:00 UTC.

5. Refresh Proposals are submitted. The Forum will be used to submit,
discuss, select and implement proposed changes to the state of the
Game (hereafter in this rule known as "Refresh Proposals") for the
purpose of either resuming or ending the Game. Players and the
Administrator may each submit a Refresh Proposal. Refresh Proposals
may affect any aspect of the Game or the state of the Game, including,
but not limited to: rules, scores or other player attributes, the
valid list of players, the identity of the Host or the Administrator,
the legitimacy and/or actuality of any action taken in the context of
the Game, etc.

6. A first-round Ballot is formed. When the value of the Pause is 5,
the Administrator will gather all submitted Refresh Proposals into a
Ballot on which players will vote.

7. First-round votes are cast. Each player and the Administrator casts
a single vote to select one of the Refresh Proposals in the Ballot.
Votes are cast by announcing them via the Forum.

8. First-round votes are counted. When the value of the Pause is 7,
the Administrator will count all the submitted votes and announce to
the Forum which Refresh Proposal received the largest number of votes.
If only one Refresh Proposal received the largest number of votes, it
is implemented by the Administrator and the Procedure ends; otherwise
the Procedure continues to Step 9.

9. A second-round Ballot is formed. Refresh Proposals that tied for
the largest number of votes received in the prior Ballot will be
gathered into a second Ballot on which players will vote.

10. Second-round votes are cast. Each player and the Administrator
casts a single vote to select one of the Refresh Proposals in the
second Ballot. Votes are cast by announcing them via the Forum.

11. Second-round votes are counted. When the value of the Pause is 9,
the Administrator will count all the submitted votes and announce to
the Forum which Refresh Proposal in the second Ballot received the
largest number of votes. If only one Refresh Proposal received the
largest number of votes, it is selected for implementation; otherwise
the Administrator selects one of the Refresh Proposals.

12. Selected Refresh Proposal is implemented. The Refresh Proposal
selected from the second Ballot is implemented by the Administrator
and the Procedure ends.

The name of this game is B Nomic.
B Nomic is a soverign nation with territory wherever its players
happen to be, and national holidays on the first nday of every nyear
(Founding Day), and the first nday of the sixth nweek of each nyear
(Independence Day). During national holidays, B Nomic is Partying.

The national motto of B Nomic is 'B Nomic: It's better than sex.'

Names of game entities may contain alphanumeric, punctuation, and
whitespace characters only. Names must be at least one but no more
than 255 characters in length. Names given to game entities or types
of game entities must be unique. All game entities that are not
identified by possession and quantity must have uniquely identifying

Names of Players are used for identification of Players. Any
similarity between the string of characters that constitute the name
of a Player and a string of characters in the text of a Proposal,
Rule, or Judgment shall have no impact on the implementation of that
Proposal, Rule, or Judgment, unless the language of the Proposal,
Rule, or Judgment specifically indicates the string of characters is
referring to a Player of that name.

A Society that provides a service to its members that involves the
paying out of points may Apply for Underwriting. An Application for
Underwriting is an unauthored proposal.
To Apply for Underwriting, a Society must have defined in its charter
the following properties:

a clear statement of the activity members of the Society participate
in in order to gain points.
a Moderator (who can have a separate title in the context of the
Society) who is responsible for basic administration of the Society,
and who does not participate in the primary point-gaining activity.
a means of selecting a new Moderator, should the current Moderator
cease to be a member of the society and/or a player in this game.
a budget, stating the most total points that can be paid out in a
given nweek by the primary point-gaining activity.
If an Application for Underwriting passes, the Society gains the
property Underwritten. While a Society is Underwritten, its budget,
its definition of its primary point-gaining activity and its means of
selecting a new Moderator cannot change except through a proposal made
by the Society.

An Underwritten Society can cease to be Underwritten by posting an
announcement to that effect on the public forum.

Points paid by an Underwritten Society's primary point-gaining
activity are paid from the Gremlin Fund.

There may exist any number of Cactus Jack Memorial Prizes.
Any player who, in the course of the game, manages to volitionally but
unintentionally screw emself over may be awarded one of these Prizes.
This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the

At the time of the award, the Administrator may also choose to award
up to 5 Points, xor 3 Style Points, to the recipient.

If a Move as posted is illegal, then it is not considered to occur. If
the state of the game displayed in the message does not accurately
reflect the result of making that Move - for example, because the
board does not reflect another Move made just before that - then the
described Move takes precedence.

A. The Prize
There exists an object called the Galactic Institute's Prize for
Extreme Cleverness. It may be owned by no more than one player.

At the beginning of each nweek, the owner of the Galactic Institute's
Prize for Extreme Cleverness gains 5 points, if e is a player.

B. The Mob
There exists an object called the Rampaging Mob of Respectable
Physicists. At the end of each nweek (after points have been awarded
for passage of proposals, etc.), if a player owns the Galactic
Institute's Prize for Extreme Cleverness, the Rampaging Mob of
Respectable Physicists gains 20 points. The Rampaging Mob of
Respectable Physicists may not gain points except as specified in this

If the Rampaging Mob of Respectable Physicists ever has more points
than the owner of the Galactic Institute's Prize for Extreme
Cleverness, the owner of the Galactic Institute's Prize for Extreme
Cleverness gets Lynched, which means they lose 2/3 of their points,
rounded up, and the Galactic Institute's Prize for Extreme Cleverness
ceases to be owned by anyone. When this happens, the Rampaging Mob of
Respectable Physicists loses all its points.

C. Smartass.
If a player believes that an action performed by another player is
extremely clever in an irritating sort of way, e may make a
Declaration of Extreme Cleverness. A Declaration of Extreme Cleverness
must contain the name of exactly one player who performed the clever
yet irritating action, and a description of said action. Declarations
of Extreme Cleverness are Unauthored Proposals; when one passes, the
player named in the proposal as performing the action becomes the
owner of the Galactic Institute Prize for Extreme Cleverness, and the
Rampaging Mob of Respectable Physicists loses all its points, then
gains a number of points equal to 2/3 of the player's score, rounded
up, unless this is less than 20, in which case it gains no points.

A player may not name emself in a Declaration of Extreme Cleverness.

There may exist any number of Cactus Jack Memorial Prizes.
Any player who, in the course of the game, manages to volitionally but
unintentionally screw emself over may be awarded one of these Prizes.
This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the

At the time of the award, the Administrator may also choose to award
up to 5 Points, xor 3 Style Points, to the recipient.

A Society that provides a service to its members that involves the
paying out of points may Apply for Underwriting. An Application for
Underwriting is an unauthored proposal.
To Apply for Underwriting, a Society must have defined in its charter
the following properties:

a clear statement of the activity members of the Society participate
in in order to gain points.
a Moderator (who can have a separate title in the context of the
Society) who is responsible for basic administration of the Society,
and who does not participate in the primary point-gaining activity.
a means of selecting a new Moderator, should the current Moderator
cease to be a member of the society and/or a player in this game.
a budget, stating the most total points that can be paid out in a
given nweek by the primary point-gaining activity.
If an Application for Underwriting passes, the Society gains the
property Underwritten. While a Society is Underwritten, its budget,
its definition of its primary point-gaining activity and its means of
selecting a new Moderator cannot change except through a proposal made
by the Society.

An Underwritten Society can cease to be Underwritten by posting an
announcement to that effect on the public forum.

Points paid by an Underwritten Society's primary point-gaining
activity are paid from the Gremlin Fund.


It will take a bit of doing to figure out when the voting procedure
got commented out, but we might very well need to revive the game via
an era-1 emergency procedure if people continue to insist on greedy

My RP will involve establishing the ruleset said emergency procedure
thought it was in.

 - teucer
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