Ed Murphy on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 09:50:06 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] A gamestate clarification request to the Administrator

ais523 wrote:

> The problem is, I don't think the sane interpretation is a literally
> correct one at all. "Between" does not mean "Between a matching pair of"
> with any definition of the word I've seen.

The definition of "between" draws from two subjects - parsing of
natural language, e.g. earlier in this sentence, "between" appears
between double-quotes, and parsing of comments in source code, e.g.

  foo(); /* bar */ baz(); /* qux */

Both of these subjects use "between" as a gloss for "between a matching
pair of".  Ergo, B is not massively broken in this fashion.

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