Ed Murphy on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 00:46:42 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Not a Proposal: Dependence Day

Billy Pilgrim wrote:

> Another option would be to make permissible game actions dependent upon
> something like the flags. If we tweak the way it gets tossed about a bit
> (make it more dependent on something like panic buttons) it need not be
> dependent on one single guy deciding to hoist a flag or to switch the clock,
> but could allow several levels of permissiveness based on degrees of panic
> or degrees of paranoia or degrees of emergency.

Ooh, interesting.  I strongly encourage you to write up a detailed
implementation of this one.  Especially if you're familiar with
Paranoia the RPG (though that one lends itself more to an Imperial
Nomic; I ran one several years ago, but the records are long lost).
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