Jamie Dallaire on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 17:59:58 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Codae's Refresh Proposal

On Nov 27, 2007 5:38 PM, Justin Ahmann <quesmarktion@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Append to the section of Rule 2-2 entitled "Voting":
> {
> As a Game Action with 2 Support, the Oracle or the Chairman may declare a
> Voting Period for Oracularities only.  This impromptu Voting Period begins
> once the second Player to pledge his Support for this Game Action does so,
> and ends three ndays later.  In all other ways this Voting Period behaves
> like an nweekly Voting Period.
> }
> [[I'm not entirely sure yet how to fit this in with Conflicts,
> Dependencies, and Vote Power.  Any suggestions?]]

For one, I'd suggest giving the impromptu voting period an official name by
which it's always referred to distinguish it from the regular voting period.
Perhaps smth as simple as "Impromptu Voting Period"?

Secondly, as for conflicts and dependencies and such, I'm thinking that
proposals voted on on an impromptu basis could be ascribed conflicts or
dependencies by other proposals proposed during the same nweek, as long as
the impromptu-voted proposal is not yet historical. Then conflict and
dependency culling could happen at the end of the nweek including those snap
voted ones. BUT then that either brings up a quantum gamestate problem where
a proposal is passed or not depending on future culling, or we say we wait
till the end of the nweek which sort of defeats the purpose of the impromptu
vote. That, or we just say that snap voted proposals can't list dependencies
or conflicts and also can't have conflicts listed on them (dependencies are
ok but just redundant as a proposal can be withdrawn) except by other
proposals voted on in the same impromptu voting period. Perhaps if called
within the same nday or something two proposals belong to the same impromptu
voting period? So... I don't really have a good answer, just throwing out
some ideas.

Billy Pilgrim
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