Peter Cooper Jr. on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 15:32:24 +0200 (CEST)

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Re: [s-d] Proposal: de-Spivakify Ruleset

Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> I revise Proposal #143 to read:
> {{{
> In the Ruleset, Victory Conditions, and any Open Proposals except this
> one:

Note that proposals that pass before this one will be changed, although
their effects will already have happened. That may be fine, but it might
not be intuitive.

> 1. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-words "e" and "ey" with the
> English word "he".
> 2. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "em" with the English word
> "him".
> 3. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "eir" with the English
> word "his".
> 4. Replace all occurrences of the pseudo-word "emself" with the
> English word "himself".
> Create a new rule in Section 3 entitled Pronouns with the following text:
> {{
> All personal pronouns in the Rules shall be taken to refer to entities
> of any gender or of no gender regardless of the purported gender of
> the words used.  Rules intended to apply only to members of a specific
> gender must explicitly say that they do so.
> }}
> }}}

And as I said before, this new rule ought to apply to all text in the
game, not just Rules.

Peter C.
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