Daniel Lepage on Fri, 3 Aug 2007 06:37:52 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] consultation 30 (assigned to Peter)

On 8/3/07, Antonio Dolcetta <antonio.dolcetta@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ok for the sheet of paper, but of course my imaginary fiend gives
> consent, explicitly (and vocally) too, the fact that I'm the only person
> that can hear him is not relevant.

There is a hole in the rules regarding players. Nothing stops you from
inventing people who don't exist. For that matter, nothing stops you
from making a second email account and rejoining the game pretending
to be a completely separate real person (this has actually happened
before). In a similar vein, nothing stops you from hacking into the
website to change your score when nobody's looking, or from breaking
into another player's house and forcing em at gunpoint to vote for
your proposals. These are all things that you could, in theory, do,
and there's absolutely nothing we can put in the rules to prevent it.

Personally, I think it's covered by one of the fundamental meta-rules
of all games, namely "don't be a dick". It's like stealing money from
the Monopoly bank when the other players are distracted, or rigging
the deck in a poker game. Yes, you probably can do it, and there's
nothing anyone else can do about it if they don't catch you, but in
the long run it means that the game stops being fun and nobody wants
to play with you anymore.

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