shadowfirebird on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:42:37 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] proposal parser

> What if somebody has two email addresses? Also, nothing currently
> prohibits two props with the same title; it sounds like this script
> would foul up in that case.

Nothing prohibits it, but if one person proposes two props with the
same title the only logical conclusion to draw is that the second is
an amendment to the first.  The only way to identify a prop is by its
name, and who sent it.  And the rules say that when I amend a prop I
just resubmit it - I don't have to explain which prop I'm amending.
(Actually a prop doesn't have to have a title, which is a bit scary.)

Hmm.  I've just checked the rules and while it's a bit weak I think we
do have to post to the mailing list when we make a proposal. (Anything
that happens in the game is a game action, and game actions require
posting to the list.)
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