Antonio Dolcetta on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:10:54 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] It Lives! or, a modern subgame (Draft)

Daniel Lepage wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2006, at 4:59 PM, Iain Scott wrote:
>> I propose :
>> {{Create a rule with the following text:
>> For all game purposes a "Zillion" shall be exactly equivalent to  
>> 100 000 000.
>> ))
>> (Yes, deliberately sent to -discuss ;-)
> Hey, why not?
> I propose:
> {{
> Create the following rule:
> {{
> == Official Quantities ==
> For all game purposes the following phrases are defined to mean the  
> indicated numbers.
>   * A Few = 3
>   * A Handful = 6
>   * An nDozen = 10
>   * A Confused Baker's Dozen = 14
>   * A Bunch = 24
>   * A Metric Bunch = 25
>   * A Lot = 63
>   * A Bucketful = 96
>   * A Metric Bucketful = 100
>   * A Heck of a Lot = 365
>   * A Hell of a Lot = 366
>   * A Truckload = 960
>   * A Metric Truckload = 1000
>   * A Zillion = 100 000 000
>   * A Bajillion = 100 000 000 000 000
> }}
> }}

I'll vote for it if you add:
an insane number = number of players in the game

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