Antonio Dolcetta on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 18:19:06 -0700 (MST)

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[s-d] It Lives! or, a modern subgame (Draft)

I've been working on this in the last few days, please discuss

/*It Lives! or, a modern subgame/*

Create a new rule that reads:
== Subgames ==
Subgames are Game Objects.
Subgames consist of a list of Subgame Rules /*such as all the rules  
in a certain section*/.
Subgame Objects are Game Objects that exist in a Subgame.

create a new section in the rules called "It Lives!"

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== It Lives! ==
It Lives! is a Subgame of B Nomic.
Rules in the "It Lives!" section of the Rules of B Nomic are the  
Subgame Rules of the It Lives! Subgame.

Any B Nomic Player may, as a game action, add or remove the "Playing  
It Lives!" property to themselves.
All Players of B Nomic that have the "Playing It Lives!" property are  
also Players of the It Lives! Subgame.
Except for this rule all instances of the word "Game", "Rule" and  
"Player" in the It Lives! section refer to the It Lives! Subgame, the  
It Lives! Subgame Rules and the Players of the It Lives! Subgame  
respectively unless specified.

There exists a post called the "Shelley" with the following properties:
* Powers: as detailed in the It Lives! Subgame Rules
* Responsibilities: Making sure Players understand the state of the  
It Lives! Subgame

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== It's too hard to do that ==
The Shelley may as a Game Action Veto any change to the Subgame Rules  
of It Lives!
The Shelley may as a Game Action mark or unmark any Subgame Rule of  
It Lives! as "Needing Implementation", such Rules are ignored,  
although they can be read.

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== Losing ==
If a Player Loses the Game, he loses the "Playing It Lives!" Property  
and all of eir Subgame Objects are destroyed.
/* however, e can just rejoin*/

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== Player Properties ==
=== Gold ===
Gold is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Players
* Range: positive integers, (including zero)
* Default Value: 100
/* Gold is the currency of It Lives!, Players can buy and sell stuff  
with it */

===  Turns ===
Turns is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Players
* Range: 0 to 20
* Default Value: 6
/* Turns represent time, Players can do stuff using Turns */

At the beginning of each Nday each player gains one Turn.

=== Lit Torches ===
Lit Torches is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Players
* Range: 0 to 10
* Default Value: 0
/* The villagers are enraged! The villagers sack the castle!  
Everything is LOST! */

If at any Time a Player has 10 lit torches, eir Lab is destroyed.

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== The Lab ==
A Lab is a Subgame Object.
Each Player owns a Lab.

Labs can be destroyed as described in the Rules.
If a Player's Lab is destroyed, that Player loses the Game.

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== Creatures ==
A Creature is a Subgame Object.
Each Player owns a Creature.
Each Creature is initially named "playername's Creature" where  
"playername" stands for it's owner's name.
Each Creature is initially made of the following Bodyparts.
* a not-so-bright head
* a puny arm
* a puny arm
* a pitiful torso
* a wooden leg
* a wooden leg

=== Muscle ===
Muscle is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Creatures and Bodyparts
* Range: 0 to 20
* Default Value: 0
/* Muscle represents how strong the creature is */

=== Dreadfulness ===
Dreadfulness is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Creatures and Bodyparts
* Range: 0 to 20
* Default Value: 0
/* Dreadfulness represents how scary the creature is */

=== Speed ===
Speed is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Creatures and Bodyparts
* Range: 0 to 20
* Default Value: 0
/* Speed represents how fast the creature is */

=== Brightness ===
Brightness is an Attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Creatures and Bodyparts
* Range: 0 to 20
* Default Value: 0
/* Speed represents how intelligent the creature is */

If any of a Creature's Attributes is 0, the Creature is said to be  
Incapacitated Creatures cannot Intimidate Villagers nor Attack.
If all of a Creature's Attributes are 0, the Creature is said to be  

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
== Bodyparts ==
Bodyparts are Subgame Objects.
Each Bodypart is an instance of one of the Bodypart Templates.
Bodypart Templates are Game Documents that describe a Bodypart.
Bodypart Templates list Attribute values, but do not possess them  
themselves, however the Bodypart described by the Template possesses  
the listed Attribute values (or the default value if none is listed).
Bodypart templates may also contain:
* a description /* e.g.. this arm is from a woodcutter, it is very  
strong */
* a special condition which might grant a bonus or malus, or permit a  
certain action, when met. /* e.g.: if your opponent's creature has at  
least a wooden leg, your creature gains +5 Muscle during this attack */

=== Bodypart Types ===
Brightness is an attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Bodyparts
* Range: head, arm, torso or leg
* Default Value: torso /* eh, have to put something here */

=== Rarity ===
Brightness is an attribute with the following properties:
* Scope: Bodyparts
* Range: common, uncommon or rare
* Default Value: common

=== Gaining Bodyparts ===
Whenever a Player gains a random Bodypart (e.g. by Plundering the  
Graveyard) , the following method is used to determine which Bodypart  
is gained:
* randomly select a Bodypart Type
* randomly select a Rarity, if there are no Bodypart Templates of the  
previously selected Type with the selected Rarity, downgrade the  
Rarity one step /* rare becomes uncommon, uncommon becomes common,  
and common, uh, remains common, let's try to be sure there are always  
common Bodyparts for all Types */
* randomly select a Bodypart of the selected Rarity and Type between  
the Bodypart Templates available.

create the following Bodypart Templates
= Bodypart Templates =
== Heads ==
not-so-bright head
* description: it's not very bright
* special: none
* Type: head
* Brightness: 5

abnormal head
* description: this head has a queer smile on it's lips
* special: none
* Type: head
* Rarity: uncommon
* Brightness: 1
* Dreadfulness: 7
* Muscle: 2

napoleon's head:
* description: it was once the head of a great general
* special: none
* Type: head
* Rarity: rare
* Brightness: 20

== Arms ==
puny arm:
* description: it is puny
* special: none
* Type: arm
* Muscle: 5

right arm:
* description: goes together with the left arm
* special: while a creature has both a left arm and a right arm, that  
creature gains +2 muscle
* Type: arm
* Muscle: 6

left arm:
* description: goes together with the right arm
* special: while a creature has both a left arm and a right arm, that  
creature gains +2 muscle
* Type: arm
* Muscle: 6

strong arm:
* description: it is very strong
* special: none
* Type: arm
* Rarity: uncommon
* Muscle: 9

assassin's arm:
* description: it knows where it hurts the most
* special: none
* Type: arm
* Rarity: uncommon
* Muscle: 5
* Brightness: 5

hairy gorilla arm:
* description: it is very strong, with added hairiness
* special: none
* Type: arm
* Rarity: rare
* Muscle: 11
* Dreadfulness: 9

== Torsos ==
pitiful torso:
* description: it is piteous
* special: none
* Type: torso
* Dreadfulness: 5
* Muscle: 1
* Speed: 1

lean torso:
* description: nice and lean
* special: none
* Type: torso
* Dreadfulness: 2
* Muscle: 2
* Speed: 4

rotting torso:
* description: it's disgusting ! but not very strong
* special: none
* Type: torso
* Rarity: uncommon
* Dreadfulness: 10

metal torso:
* description: it's disgusting ! but not very strong
* special: while the weather is stormy, the Creature gains an extra  
+3 on all Attributes
* Type: torso
* Rarity: uncommon
* Dreadfulness: 4
* Muscle 2

Hannibal Lecter's torso:
* description: do I need to elaborate ?
* special: when discarding Hannibal Lecter's torso, it's owner gains  
a new random Bodypart for free.
* type: torso
* Rarity: Rare
* Dreadfulness: 7
* Brightness: 7

== Legs ==
wooden leg:
* description: looks like a plain stick
* special: none
* Type: leg
* Speed: 5
* Dreadfulness: 1

right leg:
* description: goes together with the left leg
* special: while a creature has both a left leg and a right leg, that  
creature gains +2 speed
* Type: leg
* Speed: 6

left leg:
* description: goes together with the right leg
* special: while a creature has both a left leg and a right leg, that  
creature gains +2 speed
* Type: leg
* Speed: 6

* description: wheels! why has no one ever thought about that ?
* special: none
* rarity: uncommon
* Type: leg
* Speed: 10

slimy tentacles:
* description: long and slimy
* special: none
* rarity: rare
* Type: leg
* Speed: 7
* Muscle: 7
* Dreadfulness: 7

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
=== Things you can do ===
Moves are Game Documents.
Each Move lists:
* one or more costs (if no cost is listed, it is assumed to be 1 Turn)
* one or more requirement
* one or more effects
(any of these may be "none")

Any player may attempt to execute a Move by posting eir intention on  
a public forum, if e meets that's Move's requirements, and pays it's  
cost the Move's effects happen. If a Move has more than one effect,  
they happen in the order they are listed.

==== Loot the Graveyard ====
Looting the Graveyard is a Move.
* cost: 1 Turn
* requirement: none
* effect: the Player gains one random Bodypart
* effect: the Player gains one Lit Torch

==== Tinker  ====
Tinkering is a Move.
* cost: 1 Turn
* requirement: the Player must have at least a Bodypart.
* requirement: the player must clearly specify which is the replaced  
Bodypart and which is the replacing Bodypart.
* effect: the Player may replace one of eir Creature's Bodyparts with  
a Bodypart e possesses.
* effect: the replaced Bodypart is destroyed.
* effect: the Muscle, Brightness, Speed and Dreadfulness of the  
replacing Bodypart are added to the Creature's Muscle, Brightness,  
Speed and Dreadfulness respectively
* effect: the Player gains one Lit Torch

==== Intimidate  Villagers ====
* cost: 1 Turn
* requirement: the Player's creature must not be Incapacitated
* effect: the Creature's Dreadfulness is subtracted from the Player's  
Lit Torches

==== Attack ====
* cost: 1 Turn
* requirement: the Player's creature must not be Incapacitated
* requirement: the Player must specify which Player is the target of  
eir Attack
* effect: the Player Attacks the Target Player

==== Wire Money Abroad ====
* cost: 200 Gold
* requirement: none
* effect: the Player gains 2 Points

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
=== Attacks and Combat ===
==== Attacks ====
Whenever a Player attacks another Player the player that is attacking  
is said to be the attacking Player, the player that is being attacked  
is said to be the defending player.
Whenever a Player attacks another Player the following actions are  
performed in succession:
If the defending Player's Creature is dead, the Defending Player's  
Gold is added to the Attacking Player's Gold Attribute,  the  
defending Player's Lab is Destroyed and the Attack is terminated.
If the defending Players Creature is not dead the attacking Player's  
Creature, and the defending Player's Creature enter Combat.
The Attack ends.

==== Combat ====
Whenever two Creatures enter Combat the following actions are  
performed in succession:
the Creature with the highest Speed delivers a Blow to the other  
the Creature with the lowest Speed, if it's not dead, delivers a Blow  
to the other Creature.

==== Blows ====
Whenever a Creature delivers a Blow to another Creature the following  
actions are performed in succession:
If the delivering Creature's Brightness is greater than 9, choose the  
lowest non 0 attribute of the target Creature.
If the delivering Creature's Brightness is not greater than 9, choose  
a random non 0 attribute of the target Creature.
Subtract the delivering Creature's Muscle from the selected Attribute  
of the receiving Creature.

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
=== The Market ===
The Market is a Subgame Object.
The Market can own Bodyparts.
Any Player may put a Bodypart on sale on the Market as a Game Action  
by listing the Bodypart e wishes to sell and the price e requests for  
it's sale. Whenever a Player puts a Bodypart on sale that Bodypart  
becomes property of the Market.
Any Player may buy a Bodypart on sale on the Market as a Game Action  
by paying the listed price to the selling Player.
Whenever a Player buys a Bodypart from the Market that Bodypart  
becomes property of the buying Player.
A Player that has  a Bodypart on sale on the Market may as a Game  
Action cancel the sale, and get eir Bodypart back by paying a 5%  
(rounded up) fraction of the sale price .

Create a new rule in section "It Lives!" that reads:
=== The Weather ===
The Weather is a Subgame Object which can be in one of the following  
* sunny
* rainy
* stormy

While the weather is stormy all Creatures gain +2 to all Attributes.
Each Nday the Weather's state is selected at Random by the Shelley.

/* whew, finally finished */

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