all players on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:33:57 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Posts (like Ministers); draft rule, shoot it down now, please.

shadowfirebird@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> While we're waiting for the end of the first turn, and since some
> players seem quite keen to see me propose rule-tag, I thought I'd get
> all your opinion on this one.
> We need something like this before we can play anything like rule tag
> or the grid.
> Like the subject line says, shoot me down, please - all suggestions
> taken on board to get this passed.
> One thing I am already not happy about - can a post holder be paid in
> points?  Or do we need money?
> <draft>
> __Posts__
> Create a new rule titled "Posts"
> {
> A Post is a game object that can be assigned to a single player.  Each
> post has a  unique title. Only one player can be in possession of a
> post at any  one time.
> For the purposes if this rule the term "player" includes the Admin;
> the term "post holder" refers to the player in possession of a given
> post.
> The rule defining a post must detail:
> 1) The "powers": that is, the game actions which the holder of the
> post can perform, but other players cannot.

I'm not sure I like the idea of postees having additional game powers. 
Perhaps they should just have the responsibility of recognizing the 
actions the ruleset says must happen?

OTOH, there's the problem of random die rolls; someone actually has to 
do those...

> 2) The "responsibilities": that is, the game actions which the holder
> of the post must perform or face sensure.

censure ;)

> 3) The "sensure": the penalty for not carrying out the
> responsibilities.  If the responsibilities are not met in a given
> week, then the post holder receives no awards in that week.
> 4) The "restrictions": the game actions that the post holder may not do.

Would it be very common for posts to come with restrictions against 
action?  If so, that could well be stated in the rule defining the post, 
without needing a section set aside for it.

> 5) The "awards": recompense that the post holder receives.  Unless the
> rule defining the post says otherwise, this is 10 points per week,
> paid at the start of n-day 1.
> [[Any of the above can be "none", of course.]]
> Unless otherwise stated, the initial post holder is the Admin.
> A post holder may not transfer the post to another player.  However,
> he may resign from the post (by notification to the public forum), in
> which case possession of  the post reverts to the Admin.
> [[Players can propose that a post holder resign, obviously.]]
> If no other player holds a post then the admin is the post holder.
> If the admin holds a post, e may choose to hold an election.  If e
> does so e may also choose to suspend all rules that refer to the post
> until such time as it is held by someone other than emself. This must
> be done by notification to the public forum, clearly stating which
> rules are suspended.

I'd like a clause that states that if no player possesses the post it 
reverts to the admin. I'm sure someone'll find a loophole involving that 
otherwise :)

Also, there should be a way to impeach ministers we don't like.

> An election for a post is conducted as follows:
> (i) The Admin posts on the public forum a notification of the
> election, and a    deadline for nominations. A player who wishes to be
> a candidate may nominate emself by posting to the public forum.
> No-one may nominate any player but emself.
> (ii) Once the nominations deadline has passed, The Admin posts a list
> of the    candidates for the election along with a deadline for
> voting. Each player gets a single "post vote", which consists of the
> name of one of the candidates.

Why not use Condorcet voting? ;)

> (iii) Once the deadline for voting has passed, the player with the
> greatest    number of post votes is the winner; e is declared so on
> the public forum.  If there is more than one player tied for the
> greatest number of votes, the process returns to stage (ii); the
> candidates consist of only those players that tied.
> Only one election can be ongoing at any one time.  [[because it
> simplifies this rule a great deal!]]

Call the elections a game object >.>

> [[The rule defining a post should delimit the timescale for such
> elections, if   that is needed.]]

There's no deadline specified by default; this rule should probably 
specify a reasonable default, such as 'by the end of the nweek, or the 
beginning of the fifth nday after the start of the election, whichever 
is last'

> The Admin is granted all the powers and abilities of every post.
> If this rule conflicts with a rule that defines a post, then that rule
> takes    precedence.

This last sentence may render the requirement for specific sections void.
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