Daniel Lepage on Thu, 1 Jul 2004 22:33:42 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re:The Direct Approach.

On Jul 1, 2004, at 11.07 PM, Zarpint wrote:

Also, note that bd's version of Araltaln's prop is different than the
actual prop, which doesn't matter now, but will, considering that we are all devious Players who love breaking things. bd's version creates a new
rule which repeals itself, whereas the original prop created no new
rules. So if there were side effects for creating a rule, say Dying,
it would matter.
You make dying sound like such a bad thing... As I understand the 
rules, I've already Died twice and nothing bad has happened...

"If I ask you to pay attention to the weight of your body pressing on your buttocks as you set reading, you will momentarily stop reading."
	-David G. Myers, _Psychology: Myers in Modules_

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