Zarpint on Sun, 30 May 2004 20:27:22 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Straw Poll on the Government Turnover

On Sun, 30 May 2004, Daniel Lepage wrote:

> It stands for First Person Shooter, as in a game like Quake, Unreal, or
> Doom. In a multiplayer FPS game, there are usually "respawn" points,
> where players are reincarnated when they die. The term "camping" refers
> to standing around near one of these points with a rocket launcher or
> some similar tool and scoring easy kills by destroying people as they
> respawn. In some games where there will only be one or two respawn
> points that all players on one team might come out of, it's possible to
> win a round simply by standing near these points and holding down a
> trigger: the members of the other team will respawn, but will be
> destroyed before they even get their bearings; this causes them to
> respawn again, and the cycle continues.
> 	Most serious FPS gamers look down on campers: they consider it a cheap
> tactic that exploits a flaw in the game to gain points without actually
> having any skill.
> 	'Camping' is sometimes used to describe any behavior that involves
> staying in one place and waiting for someone to come into range; in
> some games this is a necessary part of the game, but in others it's
> looked at as an unsportsmanlike way to behave. Actually calling it
> "camping" usually implies the latter.

Thanks for the explanation. So it is similar to camping outside the box
office, except it cycles. Like if you sold the ticket for more than you
bought it for and got back in line. How does this relate to the Open
Source Government Idea again?


Zarpint Jeremy Cook    "All thy toiling only breeds new dreams, new dreams;
mcfoufou@xxxxxxxxx         there is no truth saving in thine own heart."               --W.B. Yeats, The Song of the Happy Shepherd
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