Eric Gerlach on 11 Apr 2002 02:24:51 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: The propothal I mithed

At 10:17 PM 2002-04-10 -0400, you wrote:
Quoth Eric Gerlach,

> Like I thaid though, Minithterth will have to be approved by the
> admin.  You'll note that even if a Minithter geth created by a rule, The
> Admin can uthurp em by taking the dutieth on emthelf (by voting for "The
> Admin" 1 000 000 timeth during the electhion :).

That wouldn't really be neccessary, would it? I mean, you said yourself,

"The Administrator may perform all the duties of any Minister if e so
chooses.  The Administrator may also hold Titles which are also
Ministries.  This rule supercedes Rule 263 in this regard."
Well yeth, but if the player thtill had the Minithtry, e could thtill 
perform the Powerth of that Minithtry.  My point wath that the admin could 
have excluthive actheth to a Minithtry by making thure that no player ever 
held that Minithtry.... ith a minor point, but one I'd worry about if I 
were the Admin.