Joel Ricker on 20 Feb 2001 01:41:01 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Proposal limiting jurisdiction of rules:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Antonio" <zagarna@xxxxxxxxx>

> I understand the reasoning behind this, but i think excluding
> actions made outside of a public forum is too severe a measure.

I agree.  I think its ok to to have intresting rules like Joel having to
Randall that may require doing things outside the fora of the game.  In my
experience, rules like that were generally approved.  Only when a rule
required all or most players to perform a particular action that was
difficult that the rule was struck down.

Another example of outside fora that may be needed:  If the rules ever
require secure private dice rolls, we would want to turn to a mail server
like dice@xxxxxxx to give them to us.