Kieron Jarvis on 9 Oct 2000 04:49:24 -0000

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spoon-discuss: RE: spoon-business: P311, P314 revision

You don't have the authority to change P313. That's the Proposal I made. Try
again with P314.


-----Original Message-----
From: spoon-discuss-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:spoon-discuss-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Joel Uckelman
Sent: Monday, 9 October 2000 2:17 PM
To: spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
Subject: spoon-business: P311, P314 revision

I am changing P311 to the following, with title "Rescinding Actions":

Create a Rule entitled "Rescinding Actions" with the following text:

"A Agent may rescind any unrecognized action e has taken at any time by
publicly indicating that e is doing so. The recognition of a rescinded
action by any Officer is prohibited."

I am making a new proposal with title "Motion Reform":

1. Amend R120/0 to read:

"The Agent who submits a Motion is its owner. An Agent may never own more
than ten live Motions of any one type, and may never submit more than ten
Motions of any one type in a single day; otherwise an Agent may make a new
Motion of any type at any time.

New Motions are live and active by default. Motions are revisable. Unless
the Rules allow other Agents to do so, only the owner of a live Motion may
alter its parts, or activate, deactivate, or withdraw it. Withdrawn Motions
are dead. Only live Motions may be altered or be Under Consideration. No
Motion may be altered while Under Consideration.

Each Motion is either Approvable or Unilateral, and Primary or Secondary.
Approvable Motions are subject to voting or unanimous consent, as per the
Rules. Unilateral Motions need no such approval to take effect. Primary
Motions are assigned serial numbers by type, while Secondary Motions are
assigned serial numbers as a group.

2. Add as the first sentence of R117/0:

"Proposals are Primary Approvable Motions which are not subject to
unanimous consent."

3. Repeal R221/0.

4. Delete the second paragraph of R222/0.

5. Amend the first sentence of R225/0 to read:

'Only votes equivalent to "yes" or "no" are counted toward adoption of
Approvable Motions.'

6. Amend R228/0 to read:

"The Administrator shall, within a reasonable time after receiving a new
Motion, assign it a serial number in the sequence appropriate to its type.
A new Motion is not officially recognized until it is assigned a serial

7. Amend R229/0 to read:

"An Approvable Motion is adopted iff it is subject to and receives
unanimous consent, or at the close of voting on it, its passage ratio
exceeds one-half. If the Rules regarding a motion establish a different
passage ratio, it takes precedence over the passage ratio herein.

Orders, Motive or Legislative, in an adopted Motion shall be executed in a
timely fashion by the appropriate Officers. Only Motions defined in the
Rules have effect if adopted."

8. Repeal R223/0.

9. Insert "Approvable" before every instance of "Motion" in R230/0.

10. Amend the first sentence of R234/0 to read:

"A Request for Judgment is a Primary Unilateral Motion."

and replace the last sentence with:

"A Request for Judgment is dead once a Judgment has been issued on it."

11. Amend the second sentence of R210/0 to read:

"Motions to Add are Secondary Approvable Motions."

This is a really long proposal, and you may be wondering what exactly it
does. Well, it seems to me that Proposals, RFJs, and Motions, as we know
them now have certain things in common (or certain things we would like
them to have in common), such as revisability, withdrawability, etc. This
formalizes that by making them all different types of Motions.

I am changing P313 to the following, with title "Motion to Amend Trivially":

Create a Rule entitled "Motion to Amend Trivially" with the following text:

"Motions to Amend Trivially are Secondary Approvable Motions adoptable only
through unanimous consent, and fail if unanimous consent is not given. A
Rule may be unsubstantially amended if a Motion to Amend Trivially naming
that Rule is adopted. Motions to Amend Trivially may never become Ballot

The Motive Order corresponding to an adopted Motion to Amend Trivially
directs the Administrator to make appropriate changes to the Rules."


So, there we go.

Play Nomic!