Jay Campbell on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 11:48:19 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Slow down ministry reward lowering

I submit this Black Proposal:

Change 4e48's second sentence "A Minister may, as a Game Action, Revise 
the Reward Value of its Ministry, immediately changing it to a value 
lower than the current Reward." to

{ A Minister may, as a Game Action, lower the Reward Value of its 
Ministry by as much as m20. This action may only be taken  once per nday 
per Ministry unless a different Legal Entity has proposed a lower 
Ministry reward than the current one.}

Replace in the next sentence "which must be less than its current 
Reward" with

{ which must be up to m20 lower than its current Reward }

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