Benjamin Bradley on 20 Dec 2001 05:56:25 -0000 |
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spoon-business: reset proposal |
I propose that we reset the game and begin with the following initial ruleset. Hopefully this will start us off from a solid foundation and at a simple enough point that everyone will understand what's going on. I think that the fun of a game of nomic is that it grows to be complicated. If it starts out with inconsistencies and such, it's just no fun (as we've seen). I've also added a proposal limit so that the game will hopefully start off slowly. I know this rule set by no means incorporates even a fraction of the functionality that we want in our ruleset, but I think it is fairly complete in itself, consistent, and free of exploitable loopholes. How about e-mailing the list with 'yay's and 'nay's? ------------------------------ Definitions: * game state - the game state or the state of the game is exactly specified by the following: definitions of terms rules objects players attributes (of players or of objects) Anything which does not fall into one of these categories is not part of the game state. * person - an entity inhabiting a human body * player - a person whose actions may affect the game state (as specified by the rules) * "the list" or "the mailing list" - spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx * proposal - a proposed change to the game state Rules: 1. The game state can only be altered as explicitly defined by the rules. 2. All game state changes must be proposed or announced via the mailing list. 3. A person may become a player by e-mailing the list and announcing his/her will to do so. 4. A player may propose a game state change by e-mailing the list with a semantically unambiguous message indicating exactly what changes s/he wishes to make to the game state. 5. After receiving a player's proposal, each player may send one message to the list indicating a vote either for (in favor of) or against (not in favor of) the adoption of the proposal. 6. Each player may make no more than one proposal in each 7-day period. 7. A proposal passes if, 7 days after it was proposed, there have been more votes "for" the proposal than "against" it.