Michael Gorman on Thu, 21 Jul 2005 13:40:00 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [eia] impasse

At 12:38 AM 7/21/2005, you wrote:
This email is written on the assumption that we're starting over, which we
aren't neccessarily.

On the issue of UMP rules; I don't like them, and I know there are others
that feel more strongly about it than me.  In fact, if a seventh player does
not present him/herself, rather than use the UMP rules I would rather have
us bid for the first six countries, and then bid again (if desired) to add
Turkey as a second country.  There is a parallel set of rules for handling
this (parallel to the UMP rules, that is, but much simpler); both countries
controlled by one player have to meet their victory conditions, and the two
countries can never go to war.  Nobody seems very fond of the idea of
running Turkey as their sole country, anyway.

Just throwing the idea into the pot.


I hate the UMP rules. They invite the controller to do stupid things with the controlled nation since they are punished for playing the country properly.
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