Kisse BNomic on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 14:28:19 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] B never started

2009/2/13 Geoffrey Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> The initial ruleset said:
>    All game entities must have uniquely identifying names.
> and
>    The Administrator is David E. Smith.
> Clearly, David E. Smith's name is not uniquely identifying, so he
> could not be a game entity.  Thus, in the strict interpretation
> universe, nothing ever happened in B, and we're left with a very old
> unplayable ruleset.
> Don't even get me started about the requirement that players be
> "capable of passing the Turing Test".  Under strict interpretation,
> only a computer that pretends to be a woman can pass the Turing Test.
> I'm fairly confident that none of the players of B have been
> computers, and in any that may have been were pretending to be men.

More literally, the computer must participate in a game where a group
(hereafter referred to as "the jury") interacts with two participates one
male, the other female.  During this game the participants are given various
inquiries, and are to convince the jury that they are the sex of the other

Apparently deciding the sex of the computer that it is to be is left as a
problem for the reader, with the typical assumption that the computer is to
pretend to be female, and thus is defined by sexist intent that the computer
is always a male.

In order to pass this test, the jury must fail as often with two human
participants as it does with one participant being a computer.
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