Tyler on Fri, 5 Dec 2008 19:09:10 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Murphy's RP, revised

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Tyler wrote:
> > //Change Rule *Ordained Property to disallow people from removing other
> > Players' Ordained property.
> Already covered by the clarifications of 5E2 and 5E3, or am I
> misunderstanding why changes to Ordained are considered ambiguous?

Right now the Rule that says Players can gain or remove the ordained
property is ambiguous. It seems to say that people can remove the ordained
property of anyone that has gained it. I don't think your changes to Rules
2&3 change that.

> > //Change Rule *Justice to allow the MoQ to assign his choice of Priest
> /*I
> > think we should give him free reign, since he can't assign it to himself
> > anyway. And if he doesn't know who is ordained, he can just pick someone
> he
> > does know is ordained, making the Justice system more stable.*/
> > //Change Rule *Justice to allow Priests to submit oracularities again.
> /*Why
> > get rid of a good thing? The oracularities only take affect if people
> allow
> > them to anyway.*/
> Should be proposed separately.  IMO, RPs should stick to severe bugs.

Good point. But maybe you should take your own advice and leave the name of
the Name Rule alone.

> > Destroy all Consultations that were created since the last RP passed.
> Should be unneeded due to the pseudo-retroactive patching of 5E3.

Your latest version makes the retroactive changes real and not pseudo
anymore. Good job.

> > //Change Rule *Grid to disallow attacking while the clock is off.
> Why?

I agree with ehird's reply.

> > Destroy all tweaks which have not been Activated. /*Players are also
> > recommended to withdraw any of their proposals that have become moot
> > points.*/
> Just object if it would screw things up.

You're right. Will do.

> > Revive the Player ehird, or in other words, cause him to cease to be Dead
> > and set his health to 100.
> Okay, but only because eir status is ambiguous due to the paradox of
> trying to put more than three players at (0,0).

> > Set the Ordained and Vested Properties of all Players to be what they are
> > displayed as at
> > http://b.nomic.net/index.php?title=Players&direction=prev&oldid=9063,
> and
> > cause Sgeo to be Vested but not Ordained.
> Again, should be covered by 5E2 and 5E3.


One more thing: There is no Ministry of Business, so the MoM public display
is wrong and was wrong at the start of this emergency. I don't know if that
will cause problems or not...

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