Craig Daniel on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 11:07:55 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Minsky, Inc: the public-access contract-programmable counter machine!

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Jamie Dallaire
<bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I'm getting confused. Where do the programs enter into or interact with
> Minsky Inc? Where are they referred to in this contract? Obviously I need to
> go lookup a much better understanding of Turing completeness than I have
> now...
> But what I meant here was, regardless of the programs, that destroying
> tallies can't happen since Minsky may destroy tallies if not forbidden, but
> another part of the contract forbids acts that aren't obligatory. But I
> realize my object was off, since nearer the end of the contract there
> actually IS an obligation for Minksy to destroy those tallies.

The corporation may engage in any actions that are required of it by
any contract, not just its AoI - so you can make it join a contract
that requires it to do the actions specified in the contract. Because
they're now obligatory, it can do them; because they're required, it
does. Contracts are the only way to make it act, except for taking the
action of joining contracts.

Essentially, it's a computer. It does whatever it's programmed to do.
Contracts other than its AoI are (if designed right) programs; making
it join a contract is how you run such a program.

 - teucer
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