Phil Ulrich on Thu, 12 Jun 2008 12:34:42 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation: Have I been Punished?

One could argue there IS explicit permission to turn the clock on (or 
off). I think it's in 4E14 that it's allowed to be turned on or off as a 
Game Action. I couldn't turn the clock sideways, on account of not being 
allowed to do so.

Geoffrey Spear wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 3:26 PM, Phil Ulrich <phil.ulrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Rule 4E14 just says the Minister's obligated to turn it on when all
>> ministerial duties are fulfilled. It doesn't forbid it from being turned
>> on if they're not all fulfilled.
> But Rule 4E2 disallows the modification of a Game Object without explicit
> permission from a rule to modify it.
> I'd actually argue that as the rules are written right now, it's impossible
> for the Clock to be turned on under any circumstances; it seems to me that
> obligating someone to do something doesn't necessarily also give them the
> power to do it (although unlike in Agora we don't have precedent I'm aware
> of stating that's definitely the case).
> I change my Mental State to Paranoid.
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