Jamie Dallaire on Tue, 20 May 2008 17:31:34 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Proto: New Field Match (Paprika)

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Charles Schaefer <chuckles11489@xxxxxxxxx>

> This is good. Just one question: what happens if someone submits a
> consultation regarding this field match? I am assuming that most of the
> ordained players will be interested in playing in the match, and therefore
> won't have access to all the information.

Hmmm good question... I guess this speaks further to the necessity of
properly isolating the Field Match from the rest of the game (like I was
suggesting in the form of avoiding mack tie-ins, for example).

Perhaps we simply outlaw consultations regarding this game? Or at least
relegate them to AFTER the field match has ended? Or we just trust the

Hmmm none of those are all that satisfactory. In either case we'd have to be
extremely SURE of the game working near-perfectly before we start (which as
evidenced by B-Chess is rarely the case).

Perhaps once we agree on a ruleset and way of running it, we can do a few
quick simulations of the game in an open fashion, where everyone can see
each sim-player's private display, their wake-dream state, as well as the
actual gamestate, and try out all the different actions to make sure
everything works fine?

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