Jay Campbell on Sat, 17 May 2008 13:44:10 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] [Fwd: chess purchase tweak]

> Also, your tweak was never actually activated as far as I can tell. We're
> getting there! :-)
I was waiting for objection. By now I object to it myself again and 
won't activate it. I'm tweaked out for the nweek so can you sponsor 
something sane?

And would anyone support tossing out purchasing in favor of giving 
players with a king and empty space two(?) free rolls? Two ministries 
have to track it, and backtrack when things go wrong (like purchases 
that can't happen).

The Mack tie-in might be rewards for murderizing pieces instead. Or a 
contract for side-bets on piece longevity.

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