Jamie Dallaire on Fri, 16 May 2008 20:39:20 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [Fwd: chess purchase tweak]

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:31 PM, Jay Campbell <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> I did put this at the top:
> In the Chess Match Purchase Action, change {{ is created }} to {{ is
> queued to be created }}

Ah good, I missed that.

> I hoped ChessMaster's phrase about triggering after no moves were left was
> enough to cover your last part.

The trigger is appropriate but I think the object still needs to be on the
priority list, because triggering and actual implementation of the effect of
an action are not associated temporally. i.e. I can trigger a purchase right
now via game action, but the change won't take place till you turn the
field. So triggering the chessmaster in itself I think does nothing unless
the Chess Master is somewhere on the list.

Thanks! I was just defeated in the first version of this game today on
> the other nomic, but only because I forgot I earlier promised to
> abdicate when there were only 2 kings on the field so others could rejoin.


> To view the history of B's board you have to view the wiki history of
> the image itself, not the field page.

Aha, thanks! That makes  a lot of sense, really.

Billy Pilgrim
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