Roger Hicks on Fri, 8 Feb 2008 08:17:20 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Out of bounds

On Feb 7, 2008 5:04 PM, Mike McGann <mike.mcgann@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I totally agree with what Wooble said.
> BobTHJ wrote:
> "Answers shouldn't guide future play (in that they resolve ambiguities of
> the rules in
> the future), but they should correct gamestate"
> I don't totally agree with this. Answers need to be stop-gap measures until
> something can fix whatever is wrong with the Rules. Not to create a
> precedent but to establish an assertion about the game at that point in
> time.

That something is the Oracularity.

> BobTHJ wrote:
> "Oracularities provide a simple and clean means of fixing ambiguities
> without having to rely upon past records. The only breakdown with our
> current system has been when priests fail to submit oracularities with their
> answers."
> I don't agree with this either. Answering a Consultation to the satisfaction
> of the Players can be much easier than actually implementing the changes. In
> the old system, once the Priest answers, you have a final answer in 4 rdays.
> Now, you have no clue when a Consultation will be finished. The answer might
> be correct, but claims of inconsistency can keep it festering in a
> reassignment loop until everyone finds the oracularity acceptable (or
> absent). I'd rather have this been done through normal proposal processes.

Perhaps you are forgetting all the wacky stuff that occurred under the
old system when answers were simply reversed when inconsistent
(instead of being thrown out)? Yes, this system can (on occasion) take
more time, but in the end the problem is solved in an intelligent
manner. And I don't think it is as big of a problem as you think. Of
the 18 consultations that have been submitted since I became Oracle
only one had an answer declared Inconsistent (Consultation #97, one
time), with possibly a second coming up with Consultation #105. On the
other hand, there have been four times where an assigned priest failed
to answer their Consultation and this is the primary reason for the
lengthy delays in the judicial process. If you want to see the
judicial process work faster then implement penalties for priests who
fail to answer within the alloted time. Don't blame it on

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