Roger Hicks on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 23:26:03 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Fire sale!

On Jan 10, 2008 3:20 PM, Jamie Dallaire <bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Let's also be clear: A consultation established that there existed at the
> time (and I think that still applies) 5 rapiers within the game. It is now
> pondered. In other words, the rapier that used to be owned by pikhq still
> exists somewhere in the ether. That said, the consultation did not in any
> way make the owner of that rapier "nobody" or even confirm that "nobody" was
> the owner. The owner of the rapier might just as well be "everybody" or
> "anybody" or "the first player who yells CREAMPUFF".

This consultation, while having a direct effect upon its question,
does not guide future play, and therefore has no effect on the current
existence of this unowned rapier. For all we know the unowned rapier
ceased to exist one second after the consultation became pondered.

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