comex on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 19:22:20 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] New Emergency Procedures

On Monday 10 December 2007, Daniel Lepage wrote:
> In the event that the normal means of communication between players
> are unavailable, any PEP can designate any means of communication
> between PEPs as an Emergency Forum by making a reasonable effort to
> alert all other PEPs of the existence of the Forum. Emergency Fora
> count as Public Fora, but as soon as there is a valid working Public
> Forum any PEP can annul any Emergency Forum, making it cease to be an
> Emergency Forum.

Perhaps require that it be reasonably accessible by all PEPs?

> === Rule 0-5: The Emergency Coordinator ===
> When the game enters a State of Emergency, the PEP who most recently
> held the Minister
> of Ministries becomes the Emergency Coordinator 
> (EC). If this Emergency Coordinator does not exist, or it is unclear
> which PEP it is, or if he or she does not possess the Active property,

I would add the bit from my proto about "it is unclear whether e possesses 
the Active property".  Not strictly necessary, since in that case it would 
be unclear which PEP it is, but it can't hurt.  I think.

> After the game enters a State of Emergency, at the first midnight UTC
> when there is an Emergency Forum and an Emergency Coordinator, the
> Submission phase begins. During the Submission Phase, each PEP may
> submit a single Refresh Proposal (RP). PEPs may also modify their own
> RPs during this time.

What about retracting them?

> A Refresh Proposal consists of a list of changes to the game which may
> affect any aspect of the Game or the state of the Game, including, but
> not limited to: rules, scores or other player attributes, the valid
> list of players, current holders of any Ministries, the legitimacy and/
> or actuality of any action taken in the context of the Game, etc.
> === Rule 0-7: Voting ===
> Once 5 days have elapsed from the beginning of the Submission phase,
> the Submission phase ends, and the Voting phase begins. The EC must

IMHO spelling out Emergency Coordinator is better looking.

> === Rule 0-10: Short-Circuiting ===


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