comex on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 19:16:14 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Not a Proposal: Dependence Day

On Monday 10 December 2007, Jamie Dallaire wrote:
> Makes sense, although I think there should be something in there that
> explicitly regulates the number of times one may Distim a Dosh or the
> number of Doshes one may Distim, per Appeal to the Crowd.

Oops.  Here is a modified version that should fix that and make it maybe 
less confusing:

Repeal Rule 2-9 (Supporting).
Amend Rule 2-8 (Objecting) by retitling it "Dependent Actions" and 
replacing the entire text with:
A Game Action is dependent when it is performed without N (default 1) 
objections and/or with M (default 1) supporters.

Any entity (the Actor) that is permitted to take a dependent Game Action 
must first Appeal to the Crowd on that action.

Then, e may Resolve the Appeal as a Game Action, thereby performing the 
dependent action, if:
* e Appealed less than ten rdays ago, and has not already resolved the 
Appeal, and
* if the action is performed without N objections, then:
:* at least four rdays have passed since e Appealed, and
:* N players other than the Actor have not as a Game Action Objected to the 
Appeal; and
* if the action is performed with M supporters, then:
:* M players other than the Actor have as a Game Action Supported the 

Create the following Rule, titled "Tweaks":
Any player may, as a Game Action with 4 supporters and without objection, 
change the gamestate in any way.

/* This is not as foolproof as Emergency.  Tweaks should be used to avoid 
Emergency only when the playerhood of entities is not in dispute and the 
problem to be rectified has a trivial patch. */


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