Mike McGann on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 18:23:04 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Not a Proposal: Dependence Day

On Dec 10, 2007 7:01 PM, comex <comexk@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Repeal Rule 2-9 (Supporting).
> Amend Rule 2-8 (Objecting) by retitling it "Dependent Actions" and
> replacing the entire text with:
> {{{
> A Game Action is dependent when it is performed without N (default 1)
> objections and/or with M (default 1) supporters.
> Any entity (the Actor) that is permitted to take the Game Action
> dependently may, as a Game Action, Appeal to the Crowd on the dependent
> action.
> Then, e may Resolve the action as a Game Action, thereby performing it,
> if:
> * e had Appealed to the Crowd on the action less than ten rdays ago, and
> * if the action is performed without N objections, then:
> :* at least two rdays have passed since e Appealed, and
> :* N players other than the Actor have not as a Game Action Objected to
> the
> action; and
> * if the action is performed with M supporters, then:
> :* M players other than the Actor have as a Game Action Supported the
> action.
> }}}

I'm confused by this.

> Create the following Rule, titled "Tweaks":
> {{{
> Any player may, as a Game Action with 3 supporters and without objection,
> change the gamestate in any way.
> /* This is not as foolproof as Emergency.  Tweaks should be used to avoid
> Emergency only when the playerhood of entities is not in dispute and the
> problem to be rectified has a trivial patch. */
> }}}

Too dangerous.

- Hose
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