Mike McGann on Sun, 2 Dec 2007 21:26:45 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Consultation

> Pseudo-Consultation:
> {{
> Was dave's action in message ID
> <Pine.LNX.4.33.0112050026430.19083-100000@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> of
> declaring the start of B Nomic with a beginning ruleset permissible?
> }}


Yes. Starting the game of B Nomic was an action performed before the
rules of B nomic existed, so the rules cannot enforce this.

I declare a game called "Flipper" with the following ruleset:
A person may become a Player by declaring their intent to do so.

To play this game, a Player flips a coin which has a "heads" side and
a "tails" side. If the coin lands "heads", the Player wins. If the
coin lands "tails", the Player loses. The Player then ceases to be a

There is no Rule 3-13.

I declare myself to be a Player of Flipper.

I flip my coin.

It lands tails.

I lose.


- Hose
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