Kerim Aydin on Fri, 23 Nov 2007 00:21:01 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Registration, consultation, proposal

On Thu, 22 Nov 2007, Roger Hicks wrote:
> Don't we all send messages using agents? You certainly didn't
> hand-deliver this message to my door. How do I know you are who you
> say you are?

You don't.  But that's not what the AFO is claiming.  The AFO's agents
are claiming that, by having the AFO serve as an intermediate between
its agents and non-agents, the AFO is itself is somehow itself sending and
receiving messages. But it is no more the original sender or receiver
than are any of the mail routers shown on my mail headers.  (Now that 
the consultation is delivered, I'm tempted to pick one of those on my 
header pathway and register it on the grounds that it is proven to both
receive and send... But I'm new here so I don't want to be pushy :) ).

The "how do I know" issue is seperate: if the final, sentient being
in the chain (the one consciously doing the sending and receiving)
chooses to lie and act as many players or claim anther identity (such
as the AFO), it's difficult to catch him in our current medium.


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