Daniel Lepage on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:04:53 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] proposal: fixing 2-5 for the billionth time

On 6/21/07, Aaron Coquet <farfromunique@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rule 2-5: Judgement states, in the section labelled "consultations",
>  "...Consultations are Game Documents that contain a Question that is
> to be Answered. The Question must be posed in such a form as to permit
> a true or false reply. Consultations may also contain:
>     * Reasoning, meaning text that clarifies the intent of the Consultation.
>     * the name of a Player that is to be considered as the Unbeliever
> for that Consultation. ..."
> Thus, such a question is not a valid Consultation.

I'm sorry, my question was unclear. I did not mean "What currently
prohibits such Consultations?", but rather "Why are we prohibiting
that sort of consultation?"

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