Antonio Dolcetta on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 01:16:26 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Summary

Eugene Meidinger wrote:
> Last week was finals week so I've been busy since you've last heard from
> me. Can someone be kind enough to post a summary so I can jump right
> back in?

Well, new the new thing in the rules is rule-tag, a game played with the 
rules as a board. Very basic rules are in the ruleset, various 
amendments and extensions are in the current ballot.

In political life, the last ballot had some inaccuracies, Peter stopped 
the clock to look into it a few days ago and we haven't heard from him 

There has been discussion about automatizing proposal submission, 
various approaches and scopes have been considered, no real consensus 
has been reached.

Misinformation and chaos rule supreme.

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