bd on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 19:54:00 +0100 (CET)

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Re: [s-d] [s-b] Votes

shadowfirebird@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Well, I guess you have a point.  Ideally, I should have set out that
> the "owner" line in these devices was the initial value of the
> attribute.
> Seems to me that, while it's not entirely spelled out, it's pretty
> clear.  The "devices" rule says that the rule that creates a device
> should set the default value of the owner object.   Either I've done
> that with the "owner" line, or I haven't.
> If I have, then everything is fine: the "owner" line is the default
> value of the attribute, not some command that the ownership cannot
> change.
> If I haven't, then I'm in breach of the devices rules, and these
> aren't actually devices.

Specifying the permanent owner of a device implies the default owner, 
surely? :)

I'm not much in favor of rules which specify 'X must have a default 
location in its rule' - better to say 'Xs are only created as the rules 
specify', and then have another rule, or your prop, create an X owned by Y.

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