Daniel Lepage on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:56:10 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] RFC: The Grid

On Nov 29, 2006, at 10:43 AM, shadowfirebird@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

>> What happens if a player is to lose or give points, but doesn't  
>> possess
>> enough? Do they go negative?
> (I must admit I was expecting a response more along the lines of "Are
> you insane? No-one would want to play that!!!"  ...I'll cautiously
> take that as a good sign...)

I think it looks like a lot of fun, however I'm worried that mobility  
will be hard. You allow players to move from rX to rY if and only if  
rY defines a term that is used in rX; this creates a directed graph  
on which the players can move. Glancing over the current rules, it  
seems to me that everyone will eventually end up trapped in R1 (which  
defines Game Objects, and uses no terms that are used elsewhere).

I don't know how hard it would be implement this, but what about  
connecting the rules in an undirected graph where rX connects to rY  
if they have at least three words of five or more letters in common?

Or perhaps we could bring back Keywords, where each rule has a list  
of keywords telling what it relates to (for example, r2 might have  
the keywords "Proposals", "Voting", "Players"), and you can move to  
rules that share keywords with your current rule.

Also, it seems like in general this game will make you lose more  
points than you gain, because of changing rules, so there doesn't  
seem to be a strong incentive to play the game.

> Hmm.  I suppose it depends on the nature of the "points" attribute
> rather than these game rules.  Either way, it shouldn't effect Rule
> Tag too much.
> I'm assuming BTW that gaining points is a good thing in the game.  I
> did have a proposal in my draft file where the idea was to +get rid+
> of points... we'll have to see whether the current "points" proposal
> passes.

We could set up an even weirder system... For example, maybe when  
somebody's score tops 100, the player with the *second highest* score  


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