shadowfirebird on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:43:24 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] RFC: The Grid

> What happens if a player is to lose or give points, but doesn't possess
> enough? Do they go negative?

(I must admit I was expecting a response more along the lines of "Are
you insane? No-one would want to play that!!!"  ...I'll cautiously
take that as a good sign...)

Hmm.  I suppose it depends on the nature of the "points" attribute
rather than these game rules.  Either way, it shouldn't effect Rule
Tag too much.

I'm assuming BTW that gaining points is a good thing in the game.  I
did have a proposal in my draft file where the idea was to +get rid+
of points... we'll have to see whether the current "points" proposal
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