all players on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 08:46:11 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] RFC: The Grid

shadowfirebird@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> What happens if a player is to lose or give points, but doesn't possess
>> enough? Do they go negative?
> (I must admit I was expecting a response more along the lines of "Are
> you insane? No-one would want to play that!!!"  ...I'll cautiously
> take that as a good sign...)
> Hmm.  I suppose it depends on the nature of the "points" attribute
> rather than these game rules.  Either way, it shouldn't effect Rule
> Tag too much.
> I'm assuming BTW that gaining points is a good thing in the game.  I
> did have a proposal in my draft file where the idea was to +get rid+
> of points... we'll have to see whether the current "points" proposal
> passes.

Well, gaining 100 points gets you a win (if the prop in question 
passes...). But there's nothing to say that couldn't happen at -100 as 
well, for example... or for that matter, when |points| >= 100, where 
points is a quaternion :)
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