shadowfirebird on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:51:54 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-d] Is it just a game?

Every game has such rules, of course; rules that aren't written but
that people follow.  For example: "if you draw a card from the stock
and knock the stock over, it's your job to pick it up."

One of the things I find fascinating about Nomic is that, while on the
surface you would think that it the one game without unwritten rules,
that's not true.  In fact the nature of Nomic actually makes these
unwritten rules much more apparent.

My personal unwritten rule here is not to tread on anyone's toes, of
course.  As far as I can.

I can certainly see the attraction of running a Nomic as a "society";
something like a MUSH; a consensual reality.  But that wasn't why I

On 11/23/06, Jonathan David Amery <jdamery@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I've been googling, and found this interesting:
> >
> >
> > Especially:
> > >>>>
> > While there is a feeling on Steve's part [...] that Agora is at root
> > only a game, like chess or Monopoly, wherein every move within the
> > structure of the Rules is acceptable [...] The opposite view, away
> > from the "game," sees Agora more like a "society." [...] Agora could,
> > quite easily, turn itself into a nomic fan club with effects outside
> > the "game--" [...] The mere fact that it doesn't actually perform
> > these, or any, extra-game functions does not diminish the reactions
> > the Players to certain game actions.
> > <<<<
> >
> > So is B-Nomic just a game?  I don't ask for idle information; if
> > b-nomic is like Agora is/was, and I play it as a game, lots of people
> > are going to be pissed off with me...
> >
>  Speaking as on old-Ackanomican I'd say that it is just a game, but
> there are metarules which should be followed that are created out of the
> society of the game.
>  As an example I present a list of things which are OK from the point of
> view of the game, but which aren't allowed by my understanding of the
> metarules.
>  Things which aren't Harfy
>  -------------------------
> . It's not harfy to take advantage of the same loophole twice.
>  Malenkai's loophole was cool the first time it was exploited -- it got
>  boring quickly.
> . It's not harfy to lie about the external universe to gain advantage in
>  game -- it's not, for instance, harfy to create a sock-puppet player to
>  give you advantages in game.
> . It's not harfy to do illegal or immoral things to gain a game
>  advantage -- for instance it's not harfy to DDOS Joel's server in order
>  that mailing-list mail gets delayed.
>  There are probably other metarules that I haven't thought of off the
> top of my head too...
>  WC.
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