Mark Walsh on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 19:43:53 -0600 (CST)

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RE: [s-d] Re: Triller's email

On: 1/10/06 1:30:55 PM Peter sent:
> Subject: [s-d] Re: Triller's email
> Mark Walsh wrote:
> > Ok. I looked at the path from sender in the message source,
> > and it looks like it tracks all the way to earthlink's east coast
> > server with each bounce being just seconds apart.
> > Why earthlink's server is holding up the messages 2 hours is
> > a complete mystery. And why only Antonio's?
> > Just to see I checked all messages from Antonio I still have
> > in my mailbox, and they are all delayed 2 hours from
> > earthlink's east coast server to me. I'm in California, but
> > the last item in all mail to me is one or another server name
> > (EarthLink SMTP Server). Why only
> > Antonio's messages are delayed is mind-boggling.
> If it's always exactly two hours, I'm willing to bet that somewhere
> between Antonio and your computer, there's a computer that doesn't know
> what time zone it's in, which is causing confusion. Maybe even it's
> getting there immediately and your mail program is just displaying its
> time two hours off, which is messing up your mail sorting? Just an idea.
> -- 
> Peter C.
This would connote that a surreptitious interception is taking place!
All email in support of the game that I receive have the following
source associated with them. The specific server name @ earthlink
varies, but this looks like a spoon discuss bounce (last recipient first).
Return-Path: <spoon-discuss-bounces@xxxxxxxxx>
Received: from ([])
	by (EarthLink SMTP Server) with ESMTP id
	Tue, 10 Jan 2006 16:31:02 -0500 (EST)
Received: from ( [])
	by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 57AE8EA50;
	Tue, 10 Jan 2006 15:31:02 -0600 (CST)
X-Original-To: spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
Delivered-To: spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx
An intervening machine should stamp the message similarly.
Why, then, only Antonio's being held up?
BTW, I called earthlink. 28 minutes on hold and I was disconnected
before being switched to a human being. F that.

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