Mark Walsh on Mon, 2 Jan 2006 16:49:03 -0600 (CST)

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RE: [s-d] Re: [auto] Triller amends p323

On: 1/1/06 6:49:47 PM Peter sent:
> Subject: [s-d] Re: [auto] Triller amends p323
> Triller has amended p323:
> [...]
> > Add the following bullet to Rule 9-15:
> > {{
> > * a word that is the name of a Game Object or type of
> > Game Object
> > }}
> I'm not sure all our Game Objects have a well-defined string of
> letters as their name or type. Is the title of a prop the same as its
> name?

Hm. There appear to be more far reaching consequences to this than
I foresaw. The intent was to preclude reusing a previously used
Gibberish Word (and, thus receiving an award for that). It would seem
to me that the name of a Proposal (or any Motion, for that matter) is
"Proposal" (or "Motion", "Tweak", "CFI", etc.) followed by the
unique serialization number.

> > Add after the first sentence of Rule 9-16:
> > {{
> > The Gibberish Word may be neither an English Word, nor
> > a Nomic Word.
> > }}
> And so, what happens if the Gibberish word ends up as one of those? A
> Nomic Word (or English word, for that matter) could be added which was
> the same thing as the Gibberish word. And there are likely other ways.

That eventuality will have to be dealt with directly. I think I'll amend
this for a
conditional on 318 passing.If this passes it won't be an issue in the

> > Insert after the second paragraph of Rule 9-16 a new paragraph:
> > {{
> > When the requirements of the above paragaph are met,
> > the name of the new Game Object or type of Game Object
> > will be added to the Nbrgd Dctnry of B Nmc, along with
> > a definition describing the name.
> > }}
> So, anything that creates a Gibberish-named object has to also create
> a dictionary entry? Or the Adept just has to make one up and put it
> in?

As comex pointed out, this is a bit reduntant. The inclusion of Object
Names in 9-15 should preclude reusing a Gibberish word. The
B-Dict hasn't been modified since I joined the game, and so seems
a dead document. Now, though, with everything in the game being
an Object, the work involved maintaining the B-Dict could become

It's still a work in progress, so I'll mull the commentary and amend


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