Daniel Lepage on Mon, 18 Jul 2005 22:54:47 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Re: Tiles resolution.

On Jul 18, 2005, at 7.09 PM, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:

flutesultan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (Triller) writes:
Wonko's play of "DREDGINGS" took control of 5 zones.
By (6-10), e gained 10 + 4 Control Tokens for each zone beyond 3.
At present, Wonko shows 16 Control Tokens vice the 18 e deserves.

Boy, you have an eye for details there. It does look like Wonko didn't
give emself enough tokens. I updated the display with eir 2 new
tokens, leaving 755 Tiles Tokens remaining.

Yes, that was my mistake. I remembered 10 + 3x instead of 10 + 4x. Serves me right for not looking it up.


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