Rainbow Wolfe on Mon, 23 May 2005 19:01:12 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] Re: [auto] Peter amends p104

FOR = positive vote, AGAINST = negative, ABSTAIN = neg abstain and would 
count towards against in certain condition and MAYBE = pos abstain and would 
count towards positive in certain conditions.

This from BNomic v1 [23/14]
" The polls on a Ballot have an additional voting option: Shelve. Shelve 
votes are treated as No votes; however, if a Ballot poll fails, but it would 
not have failed if the Shelve votes had been Yes votes, then the proposal of 
that poll is Shelved - it neither passes nor fails."

as a suggestion could become:
"MAYBE votes are treated as No votes; however, if a Ballot poll fails, but 
it would not have failed if the Shelve votes had been Yes votes, then the 
proposal of that poll is passed.- it neither passes nor fails."

which basically could put ABSTAIN Vs MAYBE for a +ive/-ive 'don't really 
care' vote. Or you could do this in event of a draw. (This isn't yet taking 
into account The Voice's AGAINST passes).

- RW

On 5/23/05, Peter Cooper Jr. <pete+bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Rainbow Wolfe <rainbowdreamwolf@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > Basically MAYBE is the positive version of ABSTAIN? I like, it balances
> > more.
> Something like that. I kinda wanted it to count as half of a vote, but
> I'm not sure that my proposal ended up doing that. I somewhat wanted
> to make things even odder, kinda like how all-AGAINST passes, only
> more so, somehow. But I figured I'll put in the structure for it and
> let someone else deal with making it really break the game.
> (My initial thought was to have the voting options just be A, B, and
> C, with somehow a majority in any of them making it pass... but this
> seemed like a better idea somehow.)
> --
> Peter C.
> "There are less differences of opinion when no one can come up with one."
> -- Me & Jessi
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