Daniel Lepage on Fri, 6 May 2005 15:15:18 -0500 (CDT)

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Re: [s-d] aww crap....

Ok, that was my fault. It will work now, and it won't break again.

In case anyone's interested, the problem was that last week you voted before I changed the voting scripts to use "For" and "Against" instead of "Yes" and "No". That's why the scripts didn't register your votes the first time I ran them last nweek. I fixed it by just running the datafile through sed twice, but in doing so I basically overwrote the file with a new votes file that was owned by me; my default permissions don't allow Apache to edit files I create, so the voting script would not have been able to save your votes because it couldn't touch that file. I gave the file back to Apache, so you should have no trouble now.


On May 6, 2005, at 3.54 PM, eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

After I hit submit a screen a page came up like the last time I broke something but talked about permission denied or something of that sort. I sure if i were to try again it would vote correctly.

On May 6, 2005, at 2.55 PM, eugman@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Apparently I didn't break anything but I was denied permission on
voting. Either I voted too early or  I included some error causing

In what way were you denied? It wouldn't let you choose your votes, or
you chose them but then it wouldn't send them? Is it still a problem?

For the voting scripts, at least, there shouldn't be such thing as
"error causing text"; the only reason it can happen with props is
because I store them as xml files, so <tags> and â??â?ªáº?â?®â?«Æ?â?«Ä?â??É?
confuse the xml parser.

If you have trouble voting or submitting props, please let me know
immediately and give me some description of what happened so I can fix
it as quickly as possible.

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