Daniel Lepage on Thu, 21 Apr 2005 21:00:25 -0500 (CDT)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] BvS submits p11

On Apr 21, 2005, at 9.11 PM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

BvS has submitted a new proposal, p11.

Proposal 11/0: Desecration is Fun!
A Standard Proposal by BvS
Last modified on nweek 86, nday 4

Create a new Section to the Ruleset, named "All Things Mystical."

Create a new rule in the All Things Mystical section of the ruleset:

== Fun With Souls ==

Souls are Game Objects. Upon joining, all Players are given a Soul. A player may only lose possession of eir Soul or gain possession of another Soul in a manner stated in the rules. A Player who possesses a Soul which is not eir own may be referred to as that Soul's Master.

Why not just refer to the possessor of any Soul as its Master? I would like to think I'm the Master of my own Soul, thank you very much.

Players may possess Lost Souls. A Player who does not have the maximum allowed number of Souls in eir possession may take possession of a Lost Soul by declaring in a public forum which Lost Soul e is taking possession of. Lost Souls in the possession of Players are Found Souls. Found Souls are Game Objects.

Since the objects are now just Souls instead of Lost Souls, you might just want to say "Players may posses Souls"; as it's worded now, it seems to suggest that when a player claims a Lost Soul, the Soul becomes both Lost and Found at the same time.

Found Souls may not take possession of Lost Souls until they have reclaimed possession of their own Soul.

Later on you change it so that Players do not become Lost Souls, it's just that their Souls hang around being Lost. So a Soul can't take possession of another Soul anyway. Maybe you mean "A player may not take possession of a Lost Soul unless e possesses eir own Soul already"?

The maximum number of Souls a Player may possess is 2.

Counting eir own?


Amend rule 3-2 to read:

A Player is an Outsider who consents to be governed by the rules, fulfills all requirements for continued playerhood specified by the rules, and has become a player in a manner specified by the rules.

An External Force may become a Player by posting a message to a Public Forum containing a request to become a player and a uniquely identifying name that e wishes to be known by. It may do this if and only if it fulfills the following requirements:

    * It is capable of passing a Turing Test
    * Its Soul is Lost, Found, or does not exist
    * It has a working e-mail address

If player whose Soul is a Found Soul rejoins the game, eir Soul does not cease to be Found and remains in the possession of its Master.

A Player may cease to be a player by Forfeiting the game; this must be done in a Public Forum unless there are no working public fora, in which case e may notify all players privately instead.

No restrictions may be placed on when a player may forfeit; any player may forfeit the game at any time (regardless of the clock, the watch, etc.)

When a Player ceases to be a player for any reason, e loses all game defined properties and attributes except for eir Name, and eir Soul becomes a Lost Soul. Lost Souls are game objects. When a Found Soul forfeits, e remains a Found Soul, and their Soul remains in the possession of its Master.

Again you refer to a Found Soul as though it were a player, which I don't think it is anymore. Perhaps "When a Player ceases to be a player for any reason, every Soul e possessed, including eir own, becomes Lost". That covers the Lostness and also accounts for any other Souls e may have had.


Give every current and former Player of B Nomic listed on the Roster a Soul. Make all Souls of former Players Lost.

You might omit "listed on the Roster". Otherwise I could go tweak the Roster right before this passes and destroy your soul for free.


"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
   -- Douglas Adams, _Last Chance To See_

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