Daniel Lepage on Thu, 17 Feb 2005 10:17:24 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] Playing a Card of DOOM! should always give 15 points

On Feb 16, 2005, at 6.48 PM, Peter Cooper Jr. wrote:

I submit the following CFI:

Defendant: Wonko

Statement: When Peter played eir Card of DOOM! on nweek 80 nday 3, e
gained 15 points.

Plaintiff's argument: The text on Card of DOOM! doesn't state that the
normal action doesn't occur if the required cards are not
chosen. Other cards (such as Greater Booty and Petty Theft) state that
something happens "instead" of the normal action if the normal
conditions aren't meant. Here without the use of the word "instead" or
something similar, one would follow Card of DOOM!'s instructions in
order, just like any other card. The card-player chooses cards. The
chosen cards, if any, are discarded. The card-player gains 15
points. Then, if not all cards were chosen, more stuff happens
(namely, the random devouring of the card-player's hand, followed by
other players' hands).

Defendant's Argument: The wording of the card suggests that the two are intended as disjoint alternatives. You pick the target cards, and then the target cards are discarded and you gain 15 points; if you didn't pick the target cards properly, then discarding the targets is impossible, so instead you go to the end of the card, and the DOOM! randomly devours your hand. Since the 15-point gain is grouped with the discarding of the targets, it doesn't happen unless that whole block happens, which it didn't in Peter's case because e failed to specify valid targets.


Wonko, would you care to assign a judge?

Judge Assignment is en route now.


"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
  -- Ford Prefect

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