Daniel Lepage on Wed, 22 Dec 2004 23:34:42 -0600 (CST)

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[s-d] Re: [s-b] [auto] Zarpint submits p1970

On Dec 23, 2004, at 12.20 AM, automailer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Zarpint has submitted a new proposal, p1970.

Proposal 1970/0: Contracts
A Standard Proposal by Zarpint
Last modified on nweek 75, nday 6

Create the following Rule:

__Contracts__ (Chutzpah 6)

Making an Offer is an Action that any Player may perform at any time. To Make an Offer, a Player must post the following to a Public Forum:
A list of actions that e agrees to perform,
A list of actions that e agrees not to perform within individually specified time periods,
A list of actions that the accepting player will agree to perform,
A list of actions that the accepting player will agree not to perform within individually specified time periods,
A list of conditions a Player must meet to Accept the Offer,
and a time period after which the offer may not be Accepted.

Accepting an Offer is an Action that any Player may perform for any Offer at any time provided that:
e meets the conditions the offering Player specified,
the Offer has not already been Accepted,
the Offer has not been Rescinded,
and the time period during which the Offer may be Accepted has not lapsed.

When a Player Accepts an Offer, both the accepting player and the offering player are legally bound by the Offer. Both players automatically perform each action in their "agree to perform" list as soon as legally possible. Neither player may perform any action in their "agree not to perform list" until its time period has lapsed.

The GM is responsible for recognizing the automatic actions and enforcing the prohibitions.

A Player may Rescind any Offer e has made provided that it has not yet been Accepted yet.

Things I don't like:
* The fact that the GM has to recognize the automatic actions makes this another tool for automatically taking actions. I don't like those - I'd rather that the guy accepting the contract should perform the actions, but is penalized if e doesn't (this is the way Offers originally worked) * The wording would be more readable if you defined Offers as game objects, rather than implying that they are but never stating it. Then rather than the action of "Making an Offer", you would actually Make a new Offer. As it stands, there aren't actually Offers, which means that nobody tracks them and you can't say things like "the Offer has not already been Accepted". * Just for safety's sake, I'd like a provision noting that a player cannot accept an Offer if e cannot perform the given actions. No forcing yourself to do things you shouldn't be able to do. * I assume "Rescinding" is meant to cancel the offer, but you should either explicitly define it, or don't capitalize it, since caps often imply that it's a Game Actions whose effects aren't necessarily what you might think from the standard english definition.
 * Why is the rule called 'Contracts' while the objects are 'Offers'?


How can you prove whether at this moment we are sleeping, and all our thoughts are a dream; or whether we are awake, and talking to one another in the waking state?
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